Unlike other for-profit companies and private attorneys that offer fee-based services to assist you with clearing your criminal record and/or modifying your sentence, we go above and beyond for our patrons – at a fraction of the cost too (Please review our Pricing Model page). In addition to offering the guaranteed lowest prices that you’ll find, our firm provides a multitude of administrative services that will enable you to maximize your chances of successfully clearing your record, modifying your sentence, or challenging an employer’s decision to disqualify you from obtaining employment. All of the following services are automatically included when you avail yourself of our administrative services
Pardons/Commutation (Including Federal Convictions)
- Free 15-minute consultations (Prior to obtaining our services).
- Administrative support to enable you to complete and submit your own pardon/commutation application.
- (Non-Incarcerated Applicants Only) We will provide you with a formal letter that will enable you to request your required court documents from either the county clerk of courts or the magisterial district/municipal court.
- Administrative support that will enable you to properly build/craft a narrative when it comes to the “describe your version of the event” and “optional statement” sections of the clemency application.
- We will provide you with form letters that you can send to individuals that you wish to request letters of support/recommendation from (including letters to the district attorney and president judge in your county). We will also provide you with introductory emails and/or letters that you can send to prospective supporters.
- (Incarcerated Applicants Only) Administrative support to enable you to develop a detailed reentry plan.
- (Non-Incarcerated Applicants Only) Should you owe any outstanding fines, court costs and/or restitution, we will provide you with administrative support that will enable you to reach out to the courts and/or creditors to either fully waive the costs, negotiate for a lesser amount or encourage them to provide a formal letter supporting your pardon application despite the existence of your outstanding balance.
- (Non-Incarcerated Applicants Only) While you are waiting to be scheduled for your clemency hearing, we will provide you with an official letter from The Lazarus Firm that you can share with employers, landlords and/or licensing agencies outlining that your application has been filed with the Board of Pardons and educating them about local, state and federal laws that prohibit discrimination on the basis of possessing a criminal history record.
- (Pardon recipients only) If the Governor signs off on your application for clemency, we will provide you with administrative support that will enable you prepare your own expungement petition(s) at no-cost (Limited to no more than two petitions). You only would have to pay the applicable filing fee assessed by the county clerk of courts.
- In the event that your clemency application is denied by either the Board or the Governor, we will provide you with the administrative support necessary to enable you to file your initial reconsideration request or early filing request on your own at no-cost.
- Free 15-minute phone/virtual consultations (Prior to obtaining our services).
- Administrative support that will enable you to complete your expungement petition prose.
- We will provide you with form letters that you can send to individuals that you wish to request letters of support/recommendation from (including letters to the district attorney and president judge in your county). We will also provide you with introductory emails and/or letters that you can send to prospective supporters.
- (Non-Incarcerated Applicants Only) Should you owe any outstanding fines, court costs and/or restitution, we will provide you with the administrative support necessary to enable you to reach out to the courts and/or creditors to either fully waive the costs, negotiate for a lesser amount or encourage them to provide a formal letter supporting your pardon application despite the existence of your outstanding balance.
- (Non-Incarcerated Applicants Only) While you are waiting to be scheduled for your expungement hearing (if necessary), we will provide you with an official letter from The Lazarus Firm that you can share with employers, landlords and/or licensing agencies outlining that your application has been filed with the courts as well as general information about local, state and federal laws that prohibit discrimination on the basis of possessing a criminal history record.
Civil Complaint (Employment Discrimination Based Upon Your Criminal History)
- Free 15-minute phone/virtual consultations (Prior to obtaining our services).
- You will be provided with administrative support when it comes to initially challenging an employer’s decision to disqualify you from obtaining employment due to the existence of your criminal history record.
- You will be provided with administrative support so that you can formally file a civil complaint through the courts against an employer who you believe illegally disqualified you from obtaining employment due the existence of your criminal history record.