

Pursuant to the 204 Pa., Title 81, Rule 5.5. (Unauthorized Practice of Law), The Lazarus Firm, LLC in no way, shape or form provides our patrons with legal advice or legal services.  We merely provide our patrons with administrative support so that they can undertake their requisite filings on a pro se basis.

In addition, pursuant to the Pennsylvania Public Official and Public Employees Act of 1978, the Lazarus Firm in no way provides representation to clemency applicants that are seeking relief from the Pennsylvania Board of Pardons.  We merely provide our patrons with administrative support so that they can undertake their requisite submissions on a pro se basis.

Lastly, it is important for current and prospective patrons to understand that despite the professional and expert level of service that our firm guarantees to provide, we in no way can guarantee that you will receive a favorable outcome or decision from either your state’s executive clemency board, your Governor, the President of the United States or from any court of competent jurisdiction.  This disclaimer is being provided in order to convey that any such inferences or suggestions to this extent are not representative of the mission and the work of The Lazarus Firm, LLC.

Visit Us

The Lazarus Firm, LLC

4239 Williamsburg Drive

(Suite A)

Harrisburg, PA 17109


Monday – Friday
09:00 am – 09:00 pm
Saturday – Sunday – Closed


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